Pipeline Conditions - Winter Weather
EPNG is working to increase and maintain higher linepack in advance of the forecasted winter weather in the Permian Basin early next week. The morning temperatures in the Permian Basin are forecast to be in the low to mid-teens starting Monday morning through the middle of next week. Temperatures this low have historically caused supply shortfalls due to freeze‐offs. Drafting of the system will undermine our efforts to increase and maintain higher system linepack in advance of the forecasted weather.
Washington Ranch will be brought to maximum operational withdrawal as needed.
Underperformance caps will be placed on non‐performing supplies. Customers are strongly encouraged to review their transport to ensure that their takes are in balance with their supplies and to ensure their scheduled supplies are performing as expected.
For operational and capacity questions, please call Russ Pyeatt at (719) 520-3729, Dan English at (719) 520-4722, Morgan McCasland at (719) 520-4339, or John Althoff at (719) 667-7750.
For media inquiries, please contact media relations at media_relations@kindermorgan.com.