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TSP/TSP Name:  8001703-EL PASO NATURAL GAS CO. L.L.C. Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER Notice Type Desc (2):  OFO
Notice Eff Date/Time:  07/22/2022 9:10:14AM Notice End Date/Time:  07/23/2022 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  7/22/2022 9:10:14 AM Notice ID: 615450
Reqrd Rsp:  5 Rsp Date: 
Notice Stat Desc:  TERMINATE Prior Notice:  615431
Subject:  SOC Lifted – System Wide DRAFT Condition
Notice Text:

SOC Lifted – System Wide DRAFT Condition


The Strained Operating Condition (“SOC”) for a Draft condition issued on July 18, 2022 (Critical Notice No. 615431, 615406) will be lifted effective Gas Day July 22, 2022.  As such the SOC was in effect for Gas Day July 18 through Gas Day July 21.


Customer response has been sufficient to increase EPNG's linepack to acceptable levels.



For scheduling questions, please call your scheduling representative at (800) 238-3764.


For operational and capacity questions, please call Russ Pyeatt at (719) 520-3729 or Tim Fuller at (719) 520-4339 or Dan English at (719) 520-4722.


For media inquiries, please call Katherine Hill at 713-369-9176.

