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TSP/TSP Name:  8001703-EL PASO NATURAL GAS CO. L.L.C. Critical: Y
Notice Eff Date/Time:  02/03/2022 9:51:03AM Notice End Date/Time:  03/05/2022 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  2/3/2022 9:51:03 AM Notice ID: 614018
Reqrd Rsp:  2 Rsp Date:  02/03/2022
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Warning of SOC - DRAFT
Notice Text:



EPNG is experiencing a loss of supply in the Permian Basin as a result of winter weather and freeze-offs (Reference Pipeline Conditions Notices No: 613990, 614008).  The Permian Basin actual receipts into the system are approximately 248 MM below scheduled quantities and declining for Gas Day February 3.   Linepack is currently at 7,945 MMcf and falling to start Gas Day February 3.   This is a decline of approximately 165 MMcf from the peak at 11 PM MST last night.


As a reminder, Line 2000 remains under a reduced operating pressure (reference initial Force Majeure Critical Notice No. 612627 and most recent Force Majeure update #9 613894) which reduces usable linepack, thereby hindering EPNG'S flexibility to absorb imbalances on either the receipt or delivery sides of its system.  Specifically, Line 2000 holds approximately 750 MMcf of linepack that is not currently useable to EPNG but remains in the overall linepack amount displayed in iDART.


Washington Ranch is on maximum operational withdrawal.


Delivery point operators are encouraged to review their transport to ensure that their takes are in balance with their supplies and to ensure their scheduled supplies are performing as expected.  If the situation fails to improve EPNG will declare an SOC for a DRAFT condition.


Underperformance caps will be placed on underperforming supplies.


Payback from the system, such as Payback (Imbalance Payback from TSP), will denied due to operational concerns related to maintaining adequate linepack.


For scheduling questions, please call your scheduling representative at (800) 238-3764.


For operational and capacity questions, please call Russ Pyeatt at (719) 520-3729, Dan English at (719) 520-4722, or Tim Fuller at (719) 520-4339.


For media inquiries, please call Katherine Hill at 713-369-9176.





