Notice Detail
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TSP/TSP Name:  8001703-EL PASO NATURAL GAS CO. L.L.C. Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  MAINTENANCE Notice Type Desc (2):  MAINTENANCE
Notice Eff Date/Time:  11/30/2021 2:06:58PM Notice End Date/Time:  12/30/2021 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  11/30/2021 2:06:58 PM Notice ID: 613515
Reqrd Rsp:  5 Rsp Date: 
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Line 2000 Diagnostic Inspection
Notice Text:

Line 2000 Diagnostic Inspection – North Baja Flow Limitations


The Casa Grande to Ehrenberg Line 2000 diagnostic inspections (reference Force Majeure update - Critical Notice No. 613514) will require the North Baja Delivery (301693) volumes to be sourced exclusively from Line 1903.  Shippers are encouraged to continue using their primary path entitlements to schedule deliveries to North Baja. Please refer to the most recent December Maintenance Posting for specific dates.

