Notice Detail
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TSP/TSP Name:  8001703-EL PASO NATURAL GAS CO. L.L.C. Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  FORCE MAJEURE Notice Type Desc (2):  FORCE MAJEURE
Notice Eff Date/Time:  09/08/2020 2:23:47PM Notice End Date/Time:  10/08/2020 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  9/8/2020 2:23:47 PM Notice ID: 609627
Reqrd Rsp:  5 Rsp Date: 
Notice Stat Desc:  SUPERSEDE Prior Notice:  609573
Subject:  Force Majeure Lifted – OASIS WAHA
Notice Text:


El Paso Natural Gas Company, L.L.C. (EPNG) has resolved the Force Majeure event that was declared on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, (reference Critical Notice No. 609564, 609573), associated with the IOASISWA (301701) receipt/delivery location.


Accordingly, the Operational Pin Capacity will be increased effective for Wednesday, September 9, 2020, Evening Cycle (Cycle 2).

EPNG will post an updated maintenance notice to reflect the capacity increase at the IOASISWA (301701) receipt/delivery location.

For scheduling questions, please call your scheduling representative at 800-238-3764.


For operational and capacity information, please call Russ Pyeatt at 719-520-3729, Dan English at 719-520-4722, or Tim Fuller (719) 520-4339.


For media inquiries, please call Lexey Long at 713-420-4644


