Force Majeure – Cornudas Station – Unit 1B Update 6#
El Paso Natural Gas Company, L.L.C. ("EPNG") is providing this update to the Force Majeure notice posted Thursday, April 2, 2020, (reference Critical Notice(s) No. 608288, 608449 ,608682, 608860, 609019 and 609149), associated with its Cornudas Compressor Station Unit 1B.
The repair of Cornudas 1B is ongoing with the intention of increasing the operational capacity as soon as reasonably practicable. Accordingly, the operational capacity reduction through the CORN HPW constraint is currently 83,200 dekatherms (Dth) and CORNTRN constraint is 154,300 Dth for July.
EPNG updates the following operational capacity constraint reductions effective August 1, 2020 Timely Cycle (Cycle 1):
CORN HPW will be reduced by 72,700 Dth, CORNTRN will be reduced by 153,700 Dth, WAHANRTH will be reduced by 30,000 Dth, WA2CORN will be reduced by 210,400 Dth, and WINK will be reduced by 236,600 Dth.
EPNG will be posting an Updated Preliminary August maintenance notice to reflect the total impact through the CORN HPW, CORNTRN, WAHANRTH, WA2CORN, and WINK constraints associated with the Cornudas Station 1B repair.
These capacity reductions will remain in effect until further notice. EPNG will provide updates as more information becomes available.
This incident constitutes an event of Force Majeure under Section 11.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of EPNG's FERC Gas Tariff.
For scheduling questions, please call your scheduling representative at 800-238-3764.
For operational and capacity information, please call Russ Pyeatt at 719-520-3729 or Dan English at 719-520-4722.
For media inquiries, please call Lexey Long at 713-420-4644