Unscheduled Outage – Enterprise Compressor Station – Update #1
Southern has experienced an unscheduled unit outage at the Enterprise compressor station, impacting Segment 430 (Enterprise). This is in addition to the scheduled maintenance from November 18 to November 24, 2024, previously noted on Southern's weekly EBB postings.
Due to these combined outages, Segment 430 (Enterprise) capacity of 2,450 Mdth/d will be reduced by 260 Mdth/d effective ID1 gas day Wednesday, November 20, 2024. The return to service date is currently unknown.
Based on current system demand, an impact to Interruptible and Out of Path nominations will be necessary.
Please continue to reference our weekly EBB postings for updates. If you have any questions, please contact your Scheduling Representative or Account Manager.