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Notice Type Desc (1):  MAINTENANCE Notice Type Desc (2):  MAINTENANCE
Notice Eff Date/Time:  09/27/2023 8:20:24AM Notice End Date/Time:  10/04/2023 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  9/26/2023 8:20:24 AM Notice ID: 203596
Reqrd Rsp:  5 Rsp Date: 
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Update - PHP CS Maintenance Sept 2023
Notice Text:

Updated Capacity - Praha & Coyanosa C/S Inspections & Maintenance


PHP is required to increase the Mainline capacity cut for the work starting Wednesday, September 27th through Monday, October 2nd. The original cut amount of 1.82 BCF/day needs to be reduced to 1.73 BCF/day.


PHP appreciates your understanding and cooperation during this time.


Please contact your account representative if you have any questions or concerns regarding the updated schedule.


Tuesday, September 26th, PHP's available capacity will be limited to 1.82 BCF/day.


Wednesday, September 27th through Monday, October 2nd, PHP's available capacity will be limited to 1.73 BCF/day.


Tuesday, October 3rd through Wednesday, October 4th, PHP's available capacity will be limited to 1.35 BCF/day.



Praha & Coyanosa C/S Inspections & Maintenance


PHP wishes to inform its customers that due to necessary inspections and maintenance, it will be required to reduce the total capacity on PHP starting September 26th. Our current schedule will require PHP's available capacity to be reduced during certain periods as outlined below. Firm shippers will be prorated based on their FIRM MDQ and will be notified by their account representative.


Tuesday, September 26th through Monday, October 2nd, PHP's available capacity will be limited to 1.82 BCF/day.


Tuesday, October 3rd through Wednesday, October 4th, PHP's available capacity will be limited to 1.35 BCF/day.


PHP appreciates your understanding and cooperation with these necessary inspections and maintenance.


Please contact your account representative if you have any questions or concerns regarding the schedule.
