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Notice Type Desc (1):  MAINTENANCE Notice Type Desc (2):  MAINTENANCE
Notice Eff Date/Time:  07/19/2021 3:59:05PM Notice End Date/Time:  08/18/2021 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  7/19/2021 3:59:05 PM Notice ID: 203358
Reqrd Rsp:  5 Rsp Date: 
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Rev #1 PHP August 3 thru 6 Maintenance
Notice Text:



July 19, 2021 Revision 1


PHP regrets to inform everyone that the results of the initial pig run performed on June 2nd were not satisfactory.   Therefore PHP is working to reschedule the smart tool for Wednesday August 3rd.  This is rerun will take place between mile post 0 and the Coyanosa compressor station, approximately 4.8 miles.   PHP will need to again reduce the capacity down from 2.1 BCF to 1.7 BCF for the day.  This run will involve coordination with all interconnect operators, especially Agua Blanca and EPNG.   The Pig run is expected to last 6 hours, at which time we will return PHP to full service and allow the impacted receipt points to flow in an effort to hit nomination on the day. 


On August 3rd PHP will begin its 4,000 hour inspection of the Coyanosa compressors.   This work will coincide with the smart tool run on August 3rd but will continue through Friday, August 6th. .   Also during the week of August 3rd will be pigging from Station 285 to Praha compressor station.  This run will further limit the available capacity down to 1.2 BCF.


Available Capacity by day:

August 1st & 2nd    2.1 BCF “Full Capacity”

August 3rd             1.7 BCF

August 4th             1.8 BCF

August 5th             1.2 BCF

August 6th             1.2 BCF

August 7th             2.1 BCF “Full Capacity”



PHP is working to minimize the impact to its shippers and appreciates your cooperation.


Kenneth B. Knox

Director – Intrastate Scheduling

Work:  713-369-9248

Cell:  832-244-1261





















