Natural has experienced horsepower issues at Compressor Station 102 (CS 102) in Natural's Midcontinent Zone that will require CS 102 to be shut down for necessary repairs. This is a Force Majeure event that will require Natural to temporarily reduce the maximum operating capacity northbound, thus limiting Natural's throughput capacity through CS 102 and Compressor Station 103 (CS 103) during this event.
The scheduling constraint will be at CS 103 located in Ford County, Kansas. Any gas received south of CS 103 for delivery north of CS 103 will be impacted for the duration of the restriction. Additionally, transports associated with storage injections will be impacted.
As such, effective for gas day Tuesday, October 8, 2022, Evening Cycle, and continuing until further notice, Natural will schedule Primary Firm and Secondary in-path Firm transports to no less than 57% of contract MDQ through CS 103. Actual nomination levels and changes in pipeline conditions could result in changes to the percentages scheduled (lower or higher). For scheduling purposes, the Midcontinent Pool (LOC 25078) is located south of the constraint. AOR/ITS and Secondary out-of-path Firm transports will not be available.
The stated scheduling percentage is based upon the current level of firm capacity contracted for during this event and is subject to change based upon operational conditions and Shipper utilization. Permian Zone delivery points will be available as an alternative. Any supply points downstream (north) of CS 103 will not be impacted by this constraint.
Continue to monitor Natural's interactive website for any updates to the end date and/or scheduling percentage during this event. Please contact your Account Director or Scheduling Representative if you have any questions.