Notice Detail
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TSP/TSP Name:  78533458-NET MEXICO Critical: N
Notice Type Desc (1):  OTHER Notice Type Desc (2):  MISC.
Notice Eff Date/Time:  05/31/2024 11:21:48AM Notice End Date/Time:  06/01/2024 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  5/31/2024 11:21:48 AM Notice ID: 203656
Reqrd Rsp:  5 Rsp Date: 
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Los Ramones Capacity Limitation
Notice Text:

May 31, 2024


NET Mexico Pipeline Partners, LLC (NET Mexico) wishes to inform its customers that the completion date for the repair below has been extended to approximately 30 days from today. NET Mexico will post updates as we receive more information on the completion date


May 15, 2024


NET Mexico Pipeline Partners, LLC (NET Mexico) wishes to inform its customers that due to an unexpected repair of one of the meter runs going to the Los Ramones delivery point, the capacity at the Los Ramones point will be limited to 1,700,000 MMBtu/d effective May 15, 2024. The restriction is expected to last approximately 2 weeks. NET Mexico will post updates as we receive more information on the completion date
