Operational Purchase Notification and Request for Bids
Pursuant to Section 10.6(i) of the General Terms and Conditions of the Midcontinent Express Pipeline (MEP) tariff, MEP is soliciting bids for operational purchase of gas quantities for its system. This purchase is necessary to properly manage system linepack and ensure reliability of transportation service.
Based on anticipated operating conditions, MEP expects to require up to 75,000 Dth. of gas for its system from 3/15/2025 through 3/17/2025 and is soliciting interest from non-affiliated third parties to sell some or all of this gas. MEP will accept fixed-priced bids by the deadline specified below for deliveries via ratable flows from 3/15/2025 through 3/17/2025. Evaluations will be made based upon the most favorable economic terms to MEP (price and volume), and the ability of MEP to meet the requirements of the bid for delivery of this gas into its system as determined by MEP at its operational discretion. Bids of equal value will be awarded on a pro-rata basis. A successful seller(s) will be required to deliver the gas to the point(s) of custody transfer specified below.
Prior to bidding on the sale of any gas quantities to MEP, the successful bidder(s) must have entered into a NAESB form Purchase and Sales Agreement with MEP and must satisfy MEP's credit requirements in Section 12 in the General Terms and Conditions. MEP is under no obligation to accept any special provisions to the NAESB form Purchase and Sales Agreement and any bid which contains special provisions may be deemed by MEP to be non-responsive. MEP reserves the right to reject any and all bids. MEP reserves the right to aggregate bids when multiple bids total less than the posted request.
Bids should indicate the selling party, daily quantity, and price per Dth. Custody transfer of the awarded volumes will occur at any MEP zone 1 meter.
Please submit via email to SNGBidroom@kindermorgan.com by no later than 9:00 am Central Time on 3/14/2025 and identify the communication as MEP Operational Sales Bid. Successful bidders will be notified as soon as possible but no later than 9:05 am Central Time on 3/14/2025.
If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Greg Pollard at (713) 420-7149 or Jerimiah Ortiz at (713) 420-2915.