Kinder Morgan Keystone Gas Storage, L.L.C.
January 17, 2025
Cold Weather Alert
Kinder Morgan Keystone Gas Storage, L.L.C. (KGS) is anticipating an increase in storage withdrawals due to sustained colder temperatures and winter weather starting January 18, 2025. As a result, KGS is informing and reminding customers of the following actions:
1. Withdraw Overrun will not be approved until further notice.
2. Flows at all interconnects will be monitored for performance to scheduled quantities.
3. As posted in notice #118205 (September 21, 2018) and updated in notices #118372 (December 7, 2018) and #118378 (June 29, 2020), KGS will continue until further notice to prorate all nominated quantities in Intraday Nomination Cycles (Cycle 3, Cycle 4, and Cycle 5) for storage injections and withdraws pursuant to Section 6.8 of KGS' Operating Statement. Specifically, Cycle 3 nominations will be limited to 19/24ths (79%), Cycle 4 nominations will be limited to 15/24ths (62.5%), and Cycle 5 will be limited to 11/24 (46%) of a customer's remaining firm maximum daily injection or maximum daily withdraw quantities (MDIQ/MDWQ) not previously nominated and confirmed.
Scheduling questions or concerns
Pipeline Scheduling Hotline (800) 238-3764 option 2.
or email CIGSched
Operational issues or concerns Cheryl Bauer at (719) 520-4423, Vic Villalva at (719) 520-4251
Or Mike Burleson at (719) 520-4523
Marketing questions
Contact your Marketing Representative.
Rich Aten, Manager – Pipeline Scheduling
Transportation and Storage Services
Kinder Morgan Rockies Pipelines
(719) 667-7527 or (719) 648-5253