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Notice Type Desc (1):  TSP CAP OFFERING Notice Type Desc (2):  TSP CAP OFFERING
Notice Eff Date/Time:  04/17/2014 10:00:09AM Notice End Date/Time:  05/17/2014 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  4/17/2014 10:00:09 AM Notice ID: 351920
Reqrd Rsp:  1 Rsp Date:  04/17/2014
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  OPEN SEASON #919 - ROFR
Notice Text:
Effective May 1, 1998 through April 30, 2003, Tennessee has 23,570 Dth/d of FT-A forward haul capacity available from the from the following receipt points to the following delivery point at the listed quantities:

DATE:  April 17, 2014                                                            TIME:  10:00 A.M.






Effective November 01, 2014, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (“Tennessee”) has 2,500 Dth/d of FT-A forward haul capacity available from the following receipt point/s to the following delivery point/s at the listed quantity:


                                     Receipt                                                           Delivery

Receipt Meter No.        Zone    TQ       Delivery Meter No.      Zone                   TQ

    412180  Shelton           06   2,500     420101 Rivervale           05               2,500


The Maximum Reservation rate as set forth in Tennessee's FERC Gas Tariff for this capacity is $5.6256 Dth per month and the Maximum Commodity rate is $.0549.


Tennessee will be holding an open season in accordance with Article V, Section 4.2 of the General Terms and Conditions (“GT&C”) of its FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”), commencing at 8:00 A.M., Thursday, April 17, 2014, and ending at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 8, 2014.   THIS CAPACITY IS OFFERED SUBJECT TO A TENNESSEE SHIPPER'S RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL.  All bids submitted during the open season must indicate the Open Season Posting number in which they are participating (Open Season #919).  All bids submitted during the open season may be withdrawn completely during the open season or replaced with higher NPV bids.  However, bids may not be replaced with lower NPV bids.  Tennessee will not accept bids with variations in monthly MDQs.  Further, Tennessee reserves the right to deny any bids submitted at less than the maximum reservation and commodity rates, including surcharges.  For discounted bids, Tennessee will assume that the rate(s) bid is applicable only to the receipt and delivery points identified in the bid.  Upon completion of this open season, all remaining bids will be considered binding until a successful bid(s) has been awarded.


All final bids received during the open season will be evaluated on a Net Present Value basis in accordance with the present value formula set forth in Article VI, Section 1.6 of the GT&C of the Tennessee's Tariff.


Pursuant to Section 5.6 of the Rate Schedule FT-A in Tennessee's Tariff, Tennessee reserves the right to reject negotiated rate bids.


Parties interested in this capacity should submit a binding Firm Transportation request through the DART system or submit a binding bid via facsimile at (713) 420-4354.  Customers may also submit a bid via e-mail by e-mailing their bid to  Confirm Tennessee's receipt of any bid by contacting the Bidroom between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. CDT, Monday through Friday.  For further information, please contact:


Jason Connelly            (713) 420-2446

                                    Rock Graham              (713) 420-4241

                                    Mary Limbaugh           (713) 720-4576

Scott Minear                (713) 420-5177
